Saturday 8 June 2013

Pre Run / Post Run

This morning I started my day with a jar of the chia seed "muesli" I made yesterday. I didn't even think to check whether chia seeds are whole30 compliant, and it turns out they're a little controversial. Here's an excerpt from the forums at whole9 life:

"Confused much? Sorry about this. When it's your program (and you make the rules), sometimes things fall through the cracks.

The short answer: chia is not encouraged in general, but fine for your Whole30.

The long answer: I'm actually regretting classifying this as a pseudo-cereal in It Starts With Food - we will probably edit this out in the next edition. Mat Lalonde calls it a pseudo-cereal, Robb Wolf says it's not necessarily health food but probably not problematic, and Mark Sisson classifies it as pretty much the same as flax and hemp seed.

We've always taken the Sisson approach - because of the nutrient profile, we believe it falls more into the flax/hemp category than the buckwheat/quinoa category. Those foods - flax, hemp, and chia - are not encouraged because of their particular fatty acid profile, but they are highly unlikely to be problematic in the same way other grains are during your Whole30. Therefore, they're in - not encouraged, but not banned.

Apologies for the confusion - like I said, sometimes even we have to make a judgment call ruling on Whole30 questions like this. M"


The "Melissa" here is Melissa Hartwig, one of the creators of whole9 life and the whole30 program. I'm glad to hear the chia seeds are okay, but I won't be eating them everyday. That said, this breakfast was amazing. It was cold, slightly sweet and coconutty, and gave me energy to run a personal record of 13k this morning.

Afterward, I had a big glass of coconut water and a small bowl of fruit salad with come coconut milk on top. I'm learning that coconut milk really varies from brand to brand, and this stuff came out of the fridge this texture. I stirred it around with the fruit a bit and it was a very tasty addition to the fruit (and a wonderful source of fat since I've decided that avocado and I will never get along).

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