Thursday 6 June 2013

Day Six Slump

I was off to a good start today with breakfast. I was full and felt healthy and ready to start the day. Well, today went downhill a bit fast. On my first break I was a bit hungry so I decided to eat the almonds I brought with my lunch for a snack. On whole30 you're supposed to try to eat enough for each meal that you don't feel compelled to snack throughout the day. I'm normally a bit of a grazer, so it's hard for me to go so long without eating. My almond break was four and a half hours after I ate breakfast and my lunch break wasn't until two (I had breakfast this morning at 6:30), so I went for it and ate the almonds (with some unsweetened black coffee). This is what I had for lunch: leftover steak and pepper/mushroom mix from last night over mixed greens and some olives on the side. It was tasty and I was pretty full...for a bit. Later this afternoon I started to feel a bit foggy and tired. I also felt incredibly cold (I was quite pale and my lips actually turned a bit blue!) I figured maybe my blood sugar was low so I got some trail mix to see if I would get any energy back. The trail mix, I'm sorry to say, wasn't 100% whole30 compliant. There was a bit of added sugar, but sugar was listed second last on the ingredients list (all other ingredients were simply nuts and dried fruit. I assume the sugar was in the fruit). While I'm a bit disappointed for my small cheat, my health and getting through the day were more important to me. And I did feel much better after. 

When I got home I was still quite full from the trail mix, so instead of a proper dinner I had a few strawberries and jerky I got from the butcher. It's quite tasty and pretty inexpensive. It's also made in-house, and as I confirmed with the girl behind the counter, only made with beef and spices, no filler.
Not an ideal dinner, I know - but lesson learned...I need to feed myself a bit better.

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