Thursday 13 June 2013


This morning I was going to make my same ol' scrambled eggs to go along with the rest of my breakfast sausages, but then I saw this post on Nom Nom Paleo and decided to do an omelette instead. After all, I had all the ingredients just waiting in my fridge and those mushrooms weren't going to eat themselves. Pictured below is the filling frying up. In the pan I've got some green onion, red pepper, mushroom, and about 1/3 of a microwaved sweet potato mashed up, along with a bit of clarified butter. Once this was all cooked, I moved it into a bowl while I cooked the eggs. I decided to be ambitious and try the Alton Brown/Good Eats method outlined here. I love this show so much. It combines great ingredients and both basic and advanced cooking with the how and why behind the foods we eat and methods used to cook them. The best part is, there are a tonne of episodes on youtube. 

Here's the finished product! It turned out great! Not overcooked, brown, or rubbery. It looks gigantic, but there's only two eggs here. I cooked it in clarified butter, filled it with the mix seen above, and topped it with a bit of salt, pepper, and oregano. Hearty, filling, and very tasty. 

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